What is a virtual debit card? Here’s what you need to know

by Cheqly team | | Virtual Debit Cards

Virtual debit cards are becoming popular and are being used more and more. Juniper Research predicts that transactions will jump from 36 billion to an impressive 175 billion by 2028. This shows a big change from regular payment methods since they’re convenient and safe for contactless payments and online shopping. Let’s explore what a virtual … Continued

Wire Transfers: Everything You Need to Know Before Sending Money

by Cheqly team | | Wire Transfer

Wire transfers mean sending money across a network electronically that is controlled by banks and transfer service providers all over the world. The term “wire transfer” has been around for a while. Interestingly, the first money transfers in history were made between Boston, New York, and Chicago in 1871. This was possible because of the … Continued

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