How Long Does It Normally Take for an ACH Transfer?

by Cheqly team | | ACH Transfer

ACH transfers ordinarily require one to three days; however, that is not all there is. The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a network of interlinked banks that enables transfers to occur between customers having accounts in different banks. Thus, you can send money and receive it from others even if your bank is different. ACH … Continued

ACH vs Wire Transfers: Understanding the Key Differences

by Cheqly team | | ACH Transfer , Wire Transfer

Nowadays, customers have wide options for choosing which source to use to pay the bills. The new age of technology has made sending money from one account to another electronically convenient and affordable. The two ways to transfer your cash are through Automated Clearing Houses (ACH) and Wire Transfers. If you compare, the ACH is … Continued

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